SDF Raymarching

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Help What is an "SDF"

A signed distance is simply a number that tells you how far away you are from something, and can be positive or negative. If the number is positive, then you are not within something. If if the number is negative, then that means you are within something. The absolute value of the number is the distance to the closest surface. If the number is zero, then you are on the surface of the object.

A signed distance field is a field or continuum of signed distance values. So, for a given point in space, there exists a signed distance value that you can find by some means or another. This could be stored in the pixels of an image, or functions might be used to calculate the distance values.

A signed distance function is a function that takes a point in space and some parameters to describe a shape, and returns the distance from the given point to the closest surface of the described object.

I highly recommend reading Ronja's 2D Signed Distance Field Basics and 2D SDF Combination articles for a detailed and clear explanation on how signed distance functions work, and how to model interesting shapes with them.

Help What is "Raymarching"?

Raymarching is when you don't know where the heck something is, so you describe each pixel you want to render as a "ray" from the view origin. Then for each ray, you "march" along the ray until you hit an object.

This is inevitably to be confused with raytracing, which is when you know where the object and simply calculate the intersection between it and the ray to determine the travel distance. And raycasting is the thing that doom did.

This gets further confusing, because easiest way to render 3D SDFs via raymarching is via a technique that is commonly called "sphere tracing", which is not to be confused with raytracing spheres, which could also be called that, I suppose. Graphics programmers are terrible at naming things.

SDF Raymarching Algorithm: "Sphere Tracing" in the SDF one, not the ray-sphere intersection one.

This is pretty much the platonic ideal raymarching algorithm.

Consider the following GLSL-flavored pseudocode:

bool RayMarch(vec3 RayOrigin, vec3 RayDirection, out vec3 Position) { float Traveled = 0.0; while (Traveled < MaxTravelDistance) { Position = RayDirection * Traveled + RayOrigin; float Guess = SignedDistanceFunction(Position); if (Guess <= 0.0) { return true; } else { Traveled += Guess; } } return false; }

Congrats! Now you know how sphere tracing works.

Sphere tracing requires very few iterations when the ray hits an object dead-on and does not fly by something. Hiting an object at an accute angle, or running parallel to an object without hitting it requires substantially more iterations to calculate.

SDF Raymarching Algorithm: "Coverage Search"

The "coverage search" algorithm is a SDF raymarching algorithm I came up with in an effort to try to solve ray hit/miss in fewer iterations than sphere tracing.

For this, you need the ray origin and ray direction as before, but also an estimated start and end travel distance (such as from the ray intersection with a simple bounding volume).

The algorithm starts in the middle of the bounds, calculates the signed distance for that point. From there, we determine the coverage along the ray of that sample, which gives us a start and end travel distance, and we note the sign returned by the distance function.

From here, we take the mid point between the ray's start travel distance and the coverage span's start distance to produce a new point to plug into the signed distance function. Then we use that to produce a new coverage span, and recurse until the ray's start travel distance is subsumed by a coverage span.

At this point, we either have enough information to determine where the ray hit was if it occured before the mid point. Otherwise we have to repeat the same process from the middle to the end of the ray.

Here is a GLSL-flavored pseudocode implementation:

struct Coverage { float Low; float High; int Sign; }; bool CoverageSearch(vec3 RayOrigin, vec3 RayDirection, float TravelStart, float TravelEnd, out vec3 Position) { float PivotTravel = (TravelStart + TravelEnd) * 0.5; float PivotRadius = SignedDistanceFunction(RayDirection * PivotTravel + RayOrigin); Stack.Push(Coverage(TravelEnd, TravelEnd, 0)); Stack.Push(Coverage(PivotTravel - abs(PivotRadius), PivotTravel + abs(PivotRadius), sign(PivotRadius))); Coverage Cursor = Coverage(TravelStart, TravelStart, 0); while(Stack.Size() > 0) { if (Stack[Top].Low <= Cursor.High) { Cursor = Stack.Pop(); } else { PivotTravel = (Stack[Top].Low + Cursor.High) * 0.5; PivotRadius = SignedDistanceFunction(RayDirection * PivotTravel + RayOrigin); Coverage Next = Coverage(PivotTravel - abs(PivotRadius), PivotTravel + abs(PivotRadius), sign(PivotRadius)); if (abs(Stack[Top].Sign + Next.Sign) > 0 && Stack[Top].Low <= Next.High) { Stack[Top].Low = Next.Low; } else { Stack.Push(Next); } } } if (Cursor.Sign == -1) { Position = RayDirection * max(TravelStart, Cursor.Low) + RayOrigin; return true; } else { Position = RayDirection * TravelEnd + RayOrigin;; return false; } }

The above hand waves a bit for clarity (eg, the stack would be implemented with a small array), but is reasonably close to a real implementation.

By my analysis, the Coverage Search algorithm should perform about the same (in terms of number of calls to the SignedDistanceFunction in the ideal case, but should result in half as many calls to the function when the average signed distance approaches zero without hitting zero.

In practice? This needs some work yet. In my experimentation so far, the stack's size needs to be about 10 for this to work. My initial (non-shader) implementation for analysis required only a stack of size 4, so I'm not sure where the discrepancy is at the moment. Perhaps there is a bug in my GLSL implementation.

The main problem with this approach is that the stack eats up your shader's occupancy, and this approach is also branchier than the sphere tracing approach. Your SignedDistanceFunction has to be the right kind of expensive for this approach to be worthwhile, and it also depends on the content of your scene. This approach may just be better for environments that are suitable for recursive algorithms, but I haven't tested that yet.